

We are currently in the soft launch phase to gather input and test our assumptions with a small group of selected customer.

If you are interested in using Socials Scans, you can now register for the pre-launch.

Register for pre-launch

What Is Social Scan?

Online questionnaires give us insights in how well we score on a topic. We can answer questions to measure how we perceive ourselves. These results do not provide insights in how we are actually perceived.

With the Social Scan you can invite other people to answer the same questions we have answered for ourselves. The answers give us insights in how others perceive us and that brings awareness to our blind spots and the strengths we were previously unaware of. These results can help us apply our strengths more often and make meaningful improvements to actually impact the quality of our private, social and professional lives.

The results are displayed in a personal report per group of respondents and can be compared with the results of others. You can provide feedback based on these results.


You embed the Social Scan in your webpage. This way, you can focus on creating and promoting questionnaires while we invest our efforts towards developing new and better features.

With your account, you can access names and e-mail addresses of the people whom filled in your questionnaire as well as insights into your audience their results.

report_example report_example

Value For Your Business

Create new business opportunities!

Example Questionnaire

Value For Your Website

Give your questionnaire the competitive edge!

Example report

An example of how the results are presented in a full report:

Value For Your Visitors

Exceed visitors their expectations!

How Does It Work?

Your questionnaire online in 3 simple steps:


1. Signup

To access your account.


2. Create a questionnaire

We can do this for you.


3. Embed

Copy paste the codes on your website.

There Are 2 Ways To Offer Questionnaires:

You can choose which method you want to use per questionnaire.


Customers get access to the basic report. They have the option to pay for the full results. You set the price, our fee is $ 2,50 per paid report. No credits required.


1 credit (see explanation on credits) is used when someone finishes the questionnaire. They will get instant access to the full report without payment.

The basic report shows the full chart for the total results, a chart per subject without the line that shows how they performed compared to others, and no chart per question. This way, the customers gets all the information and feedback they need to get insight into their strengths and blind spots.

Full charts show the result of their answers, the results of the input they received per group of respondents, the average score of the input and their results compared to others that have participated in the enquiry.

Basically, they pay to satisfy their curiosity.

Regular pricing


$ 0,00

  • Unlimited questionnaires
  • 0 monthly credits
  • $ 0,25 per credit
  • $ 2,50 fee per paid report


$ 99,00

Per Month
  • Unlimited questionnaires
  • 1.000 monthly credits
  • $ 0,10 per credit **
  • $ 2,50 fee per paid report


$ 499,00

Per Month
  • Unlimited questionnaires
  • Unlimited monthly credits *
  • $ 2,50 fee per paid report
* Fair use applies: If your account exceed 50.000 reports in a month, addition reports will cost $ 0,01 per report.**
**Additional costs are billed at the beginning of the next month.

About credits

You can choose to offer te full report for free to your customers. In that case 1 credit is used when someone finishes the questionnaire.

Choosing the paid option (customers pay te see the full results) does not require credits.

You can make this choice for every questionnaire. If you only have questionnaires with paid full reports, the pay as you go subscription is all you need.

Our story

How we got here

Back in 2016, Quintin had an idea for a 360 degree feedback tool that he could integrate in his website. Shortly after finishing the first version (called buzcan) he was asked to integrate the tool in an e-learning platform. This worked well for years, generating over 10.000 reports. Meanwhile he worked on other products and projects and lost sight of buzcan.

After selling the eLearnTools conversion tool in 2021, he was looking for his next project. Still in love with the concept of buzcan, he went back to work, applying what he has learned along the way. After eight months, the Social Scan was ready for testing. Now it is time to gather input on the product from a small group of customers together.


What we have accomplished so far:

Contact Details eLearnTools

  • Address

    Groningensingel 51-179, 6835EB, Nederland

  • Phone

    +31 6 14 44 33 66

  • E-mail


KVK: 50655299

BTWID: NL002170934B86

IBAN: NL24KNAB0257233288

Send us a message

Register for pre-launch

Thank you for your interest! We will send you an offer as soon as we prepare for our pre-launch. Please fill in you contact information below.